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The Permission to Stay (Admitted Until) stamp received upon entry into Thailand is the maximum time you can stay in Thailand. However, except for those that receive only a 15 day stay using a Visa on Arrival, an extension of the permitted stay may be obtained from a Thai Immigration Office in Thailand serving the area where you are located.

However, just a desire to live in Thailand is not enough as there are requirements that must be met to qualify for an extension.

Information on the most common purposes and requirements to obtain an extension are shown below. Note: After the general information regarding Extending your stay in Thailand there is additional information on the requirements for the most common types of long stay extensions and documents needed.

If you plan to leave and return to Thailand during the extension period, you will probably need to obtain a Re-Entry Permit to keep the Extension in force.


What method of entry do I need in order to extend the permission to stay?

Those entering on Visa Exempt (no Visa) or Tourist Visa may apply for a one-time extension of 30 days.  Click here for more information and documents required for this extension of stay.

For most other extensions, the applicant must be in Thailand using a Non-Immigrant Visa. Holders of a Non-Immigrant Visa can receive an extension of stay, usually up to one year depending on meeting the requirements for the intended purpose of the stay.

What are the most common purposes used for a long term extension of stay?

  • Retirement - one year.
  • Married/Related to a Thai - one year.
  • Visiting a Thai spouse or child(ren) - 60 days one time.
  • Education - 90 days.
  • Business - one year.
  • Former Thai National or Parents are Thai National - one year.
Information on the requirements and documents needed for the above are located in the following sections

What are the other purposes for which extensions of stay may be granted and what documents are required?

There are many purposes for extending one's stay. Below we list the most common with information on requirements and documents needed by Immigration.  For less common reasons, the requirements and documents  can be obtained from the Immigration Bureau Order governing extensions of stay. 

Click here to view an English Translation for the Immigration Bureau Order No. 327/2557,  Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of an Alien’s Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand and Click here for Immigration Bureau Order No. 138/2557, Supporting Documents for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand.

The section numbers in the two Police orders will correspond. For example, the requirements for a retirement extension is in Section 2.2 of both Police Orders. 

What form and documents do I need to obtain an extension of stay and what is the fee?

You will need to complete Immigration Form TM.7, Application for Extension of Temporary Stay in the Kingdom and submit it at the Thai Immigration Office having jurisdiction for the area where you are currently residing. 

Click here for the TM.7 as a Microsoft Word file or click here for the TM.7 as a PDF file.

Each Immigration Office will be following the rules set forth in Immigration Bureau Orders governing extensions, but the documents and number of copies required can differ between Immigration Offices.

All should require, in addition to the completed TM.7 Application form, the following:

  • Original Passport for examination.
  • Photocopy of passport pages:
  • Identity Page
  • Page with Non-Immigrant Visa used for current permission to stay
  • Page with latest permission to stay stamp
  • Photocopy of TM.6 Departure Card (prepared at time of entry into Thailand*)
  • Photograph(s) - 4x6cm
  • Fee of 1,900 baht

* In June 2022 the Thai Government suspended the use of the TM.6 card for those entering through airports. If you fall into that category, you will not have a TM.6 card and a copy will not be required when applying for an extension.

Why must I place my signature on photocopied documents being submitted?

It is customary to place your original signature on photocopies. In Thailand this is considered a certification as to the accurate depiction of the original.  The original document  should be available for examination in case the Immigration Officer asks to see it.

Once I have an extension of stay based on having a Non-Immigrant Visa, can it be renewed and what documents are required?

Once you have been granted an extension of stay, prior to the end of the extension period you can apply to renew the extension for a similar period.   The process is the same as for the initial application. There is no "grace" period. If you remain in Thailand after the extension expires, you will be in Thailand illegally.

How early before the extension expires may I renew it?

Usually you can apply for renewal from 30 to 45 days before the end of your extension period - Chonburi (Pattaya) Immigration will only do it up to 30 days early. When renewing an extension, the new period begins at the expiration of the current extension period.

What happens when my passport will expire or I renew my passport?

If you apply for a long stay extension and your passport validity will expire before the usual extension term:

  • Thai Immigration will stamp your passport with the admitted until date being the same date your passport expires.
  • You will need to obtain a new passport before the permitted to stay date expires:
    • Take the new and old passports to Immigration as soon as possible to request that information be transferred to the new passport.
    • There is no fee for this service.
    • Thai Immigration will transfer the pertinent data from the old passport to the new one, e.g., Non-Immigrant Visa upon which the extensions of stay have been based, the previous entry into Thailand date, previous extensions, etc. (they will not be the same as the original stamps, thus will take up only one or two pages)
  • Prior to the latest admitted until date, apply for another extension of stay which will require the usual documentation and fee - Immigration will then extend the stay for the appropriate period (this will result in a new renewal date as the stay will be for the normal period permitted for your reason for extension, e.g., one year for a retiree).

If you obtain a new passport while in Thailand  before your regular extension renewal date, take it and your new passport to Immigration to transfer the information into your new passport as noted above.

If you leave Thailand with a valid Re-Entry Permit and obtain a new  passport before returning, present both the old (has extension & Re-Entry Permit stamps) and new passports to Immigration at the port of entry. Click here for information on Re-Entry Permits.  Thai Immigration will place your "admitted until" stamp in your new passport.  As soon as possible afterward, take both passports to Thai Immigration Office that serves your area to transfer the information into your new passport as noted above.


The information on purposes are from the Thai Immigration Bureau BUT the supporting documents listed are those required by the Chonburi (Pattaya) Immigration Office - if you are applying elsewhere you should check with the local Immigration Office as to their specific requirements as the documents to be presented will vary depending on the specific Immigration Office. Also, please note, Immigration Officers may ask for different or additional documents at their discretion.


Retirement or Dependent of a Retiree


Applicant (Section 2.22):

  • Hold a Non-Immigrant Visa (used for entry or obtained from Thai Immigration - click here for more information on process for obtaining in Thailand)
  • At least age 50
  • Meet financial requirements
  • IF based on a Non-Immigrant O-A Visa for initial entry, have health insurance from a designated Thai Insurance Company

Dependent (Section 2.20):

  • A spouse, Children (natural, adopted, or spouse's), parent.  Parents - must be age 50 or older.
  • Must hold a Non-Immigrant Visa used for entry (Normally a Category "O" obtained from a Thai Embassy/Consulate outside of Thailand).


Click the button below for more information and  supporting documents


Married or Related to a Thai

       - - -

Visiting a Thai spouse or child(ren)

Being a family member of a Thai  (Section 2.19)

  • Hold a Non-Immigrant Visa
  • Be the spouse (legal marriage), parent(s), child, adopted child or child of the foreign spouse under 20 years of age and living with the family.
  • If a spouse of a Thai, required to have financial resources.

- - -

A foreigner may receive a 60 day extensions of stay to visit a Thai spouse or child (Section 2.24)

You may enter using Visa Exempt, Tourist Visa, or Non-Immigrant Visa.

Married/Related to a Thai

Click the button below for more information and  supporting documents


to a Thai


If you want to study in Thailand, it is possible to extend your stay.

The length of each extension will depend on the type of school and course of study. To qualify, you must have entered Thailand on a Non-Immigrant Visa Category ED.

  • Government Institution (Section 2.8) - Up to one year and can be annually renewed.
  • Private Institution or Non-Formal Study (Section 2.9) - Up to 90 days. Extension can be renewed each 90 days but not exceed one-year after entry after which a new Non-Immigrant ED Visa from outside of Thailand will be required.

For EducationClick the button below for more information and  supporting documents



For those that are employed by a business or own a business, Thai Immigration will grant an extension of stay up to one year at a time (Section 2.1)

  • Hold a Non-Immigrant Category B Visa and have a Thai Work Permit.
  • Meet financial requirements and/or number of Thai employees.

Click the button below for more information and  supporting documents


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