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The information provided on businesses are from recommendations provided by Expats based on their experience.  It is listed here as a service to our fellow Expats.

The Pattaya City Expats Club does not sponsor, guarantee satisfaction, or otherwise endorse these businesses and does not receive any monetary or other consideration for listing them here.





Khun Sakda - Auto

Telephone:  081-715-6819

Expat Remarks: For the past eight years I have been driving an ancient Mazda 626. For the first three years I was constantly being ripped off by mechanics who took money for work which later proved not to have been done. Five years ago I was introduced to a mechanic and I have been constantly amazed by his total honesty and great service. He works from his house which is far from the city center however he will come to your home, leave his car there, and take yours away. He charges foreigners exactly the same as Thais and his work is excellent. He does speak some English however for the initial contact in giving the address it would be helpful to have a Thai speaker call him.

Car/Truck Window Mechanism Fitter/ Repairer

Telephone No. 084-362-4805

28/38 Moo 9, Sukhumvit Road - between Pattaya Tai (South) Road and Pattaya Klang (Central) Road
3 shops just before "slip road" turn into Pattaya Klang Road

Expat Comments: Motor stopped working, they stripped the the whole mechanism out, stripped the motor down cleaned out all the carbon--now works perfectly---- charged 350 baht.

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